With The Father of ParaTan, Master of the Living Goddess Tradition, and Founder of the Mahavidya Temple South India Shri Param Eswaran

Renee Jeffus speak about her experience after attending ParaTan Sound Healing Intensive in New York, during which she was worshiped as a Living Goddess.
Contact us should you feel that this is for you, and we will get in touch with you
ParaTan Sound healing is none intrusive way of healing the Yoni. All attending the workshops are advised to wear comfortable clothing, preferably made from Natural Materials i.e. cotton, silk, ideal for sound healing.
Where else for Yoni Puja, nudity is recommended.. This workshop is ideal for couples, wanting to attain spiritual bliss, and a spiritual science essential for all women.
Quantum-Sound “re-connecting with the Sounds of Universe – a healing breakthrough” a new field of Harmonic Medicine, yet thousands of years old, within the Tantric Tradition, brought back to live by our Master, Father of ParaTan and Master of the Living Goddess Tradition – founder of the Mahavidya Temple in Tamil Nadu Sri Param Eswaran.
ParaTan Sound healing offers all the ability to reduce pain and accelerate the healing process. A method easily learned, and the ability to serve ones own community.
Before going any further, I would like to offer a few extracts from Tantric teachings, which speak about the power of Yoni Puja, and womanhood.
‘‘Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels.’’
This sentiment is echoed in many other Tantras such as Sakti Sangama Tantra, Devirahasya and elsewhere. A woman is the goddess:-
‘‘Worship carefully a woman or a maiden as she is Sakti, sheltered by the Kulas. One should never speak harshly to maidens or women.’’ (KJN, Patala 23)
‘‘In Kaula Tantra every woman is thought of as a manifestation of the Goddess. No man may raise his hand, strike or threaten a woman. When she is naked, men must kneel and worship her as the Goddess. She has equal rights with men on all levels.’’ (Occult World of a Tantrik Guru, Values Vol.IX)
‘‘Women are heaven; women are dharma; and women are the highest penance. Women are Buddha; women are the Sangha; and women are the perfection of Wisdom.’’ (CT 8,30)
Naganandini, listen closely! Hari, Hara and Brahma—- the gods of creation, maintenance and destruction—-all originate in the yoni.
One should worship the essence of Devi, the Sakti in the form of a Sakti. Doing thus, a man attains the four aims of mankind—-dharma, artha, kama and moksha
I achieved my status of Mahadeva by Kula Yoga and through exclusive devotion to yoni worship. The demon Tripura was obliterated in times past by your yoni’s grace. The Pandavas succeeded in battle by worshipping Draupadi’s yoni.
Mahesani, meditate as being absorbed in the yoni cakra, with yoni on the tongue, yoni in the mind, yoni in the ears and yoni in the eyes. Mighty Lady, all sadhana is vain unless with the yoni. Therefore, reject other pujas and do Yoni Puja. Mahesani, there is no siddhi without devotion to the Guru.
Women especially are bombarded by disharmony, as stress disrupts harmony and opens one to disease. Although both man and woman experience this disharmony, woman experience it most. The sacred energy, sounds and vibrations of the Great Goddesses offer profoundly benefits to our body, mind, & spirit on all levels.
Modern quantum physics has just come to realize that energy vibrating at different rates. By altering the rate of matter’s vibration, we can fundamentally change its structure.
All planes of existence consist of vibration, from the finest to the grossest kind; the vibrations of each plane have come from a higher one, and have become grosser. Whoever knows the mystery of vibration, indeed knows all things. The ancient seers use the sound of the Mahavidyas and the sacred geometry of the Sri Chakra to worship each other.
It the time of great turmoil, Mother Durga from herself created the Dasha Mahavidya and placed them within both men and women. With men there are found in the main chakra points, but with women the are found in the different chakra point and also in three of her power centers, the breast, womb and the gate way to the womb.
The Ten Mahavidyas
Kali, Tara, Sodasi, Chinnamastaka, Bhagalamukhi, Matangi, Bhuvaneshvari, Kamala and associated with the different parts of the yoni.
We offer you an innovative way of using the sound of the goddesses, to activate the energy within three energy points, thus returning it to its original pristine state, and to have the ability all the qualities of the Mahavidya Goddesses.
The only qualifying quality you need to have is the desire to be the Goddess you are born to be.
ParaTan Sound can remarkably aid all, whether you are a complete novice or an alternative medicine practitioner.
First and foremost we are a spiritual center offering a certification program in Sound Healing. We have classes, in India and others parts of the world, in this powerful modality, which is having profound results treating a wide variety of physical, emotional and spiritual conditions.
Sound can be used to restore correct frequency in the cells or organs of the body. Over the past few years, Sri Param has used sound to help many to restore correct frequency.
For a woman to embrace her true nature she has to reconnect with her soul.
Awakening the Soul is the first step to sustain happiness and life free from aloneness.
The Soul in Sanskrit is called Atman, which means happiness or bliss itself. It is not that happiness belongs to the soul; it is that the soul itself is happiness.
Do you see any sign of it?
Yes, in your devotion, in your idealistic tendencies, in your innocence, in the love and beauty of your nature, in all this qualities you will show the quality of the Universe.
Being in touch with your soul!
In every soul, there is a possibility of seeing and hearing, and that every soul would be most delighted to attain this power. ParaTan Sound and Yoni Puja or the Sound of the Mahavidyas can make this a possibility for all.
The disharmonies of the environment generally affect the cells of all beings. The yoni in particular receives the disharmony experienced by her male partner. Therefore, it is always essential for a woman to be careful in choosing a partner, because, the impressions of disharmony lodged in the yoni by her partner lingers on for five to seven years.
Our Integrated ParaTan Training center, Mahavidya Educational Trust and Mahavidya Temple in India is a unique emotional care facility, combining the strengths and knowledge of both western and Tantra in a holistic manner.
Our primary goal is the maintenance of your mental and spiritual wellness, and we are committed to safe and effective healthcare
The Divinity of your Soul
Learn to live the journey of the soul, and free yourself from the existence of madness. Par-Tan can help rekindle your soul, thus feeling real happiness, with the sound of the Goddesses. Tantra and The Divine Feminine
Sri Param Eswaran will share with woman the secret of womanhood, and man, how to serve his beloved Goddess. Male and Female as ONE. Mahavidya Temple
Dasha Mahavidya
You will explore one of the major teachings of Tantra – that of the Ten Wisdom Forms of the Goddess. All the levels of Goddess from their symbolic forms to their higher meditational approaches will be systematically explored, to enhance personal growth.
Worshiping the Sri Chakra or Navayoni chakra.
A Sakta’s who have a partner will always begin by worshiping their partner’s temple, before learning to internalize their worship of the Goddess. Without attending the first grade, one cannot progress to the University of Life
ParaTan healing Secrets to Restore; Body Mind and Spirit. What is ParaTan Sound-healing?
ParaTan is a unique, powerful and experiential healing process, using Sound and Touch to reach deep within. It is based on many centuries old Tantric wisdom and brought back into our existence by Master of Tantra Sri Param Eswaran.
Contact us should you want to empower your womb and enjoy the divinity of a Living Goddess, and we will get in touch with you
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavanthu
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
On the top right-hand corner of this page you will find the sound of the Goddesses, Bija sound that are used during ParaTan sound healing. An Inner Sakthi Yoga practice, deeper tradition of Tantra, its multidimensional vision of the Divine and its transformative practices of bija mantra that take us far beyond the outer models of how Tantra is usually presented today The Mahavidya Inner Health Center
3778-A (TKT.1) Jalan RJ 6/11
Taman Rasah Jaya, Seremban
NS, Malaysia, 70300 Mother Center
Mahavidya Temple
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Tantra The Art of Conscious Love
ParaTan Sound Healing Women’s Health and ParaTan