Emotional Memories
ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Sound

The Meru
Take the first step to improving your emotional fitness with ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Sound Healing. You worked hard to stay in gorgeous shape.
Now it is time to start exercising on the inside with ParaTan Bija sound frequency.
How healthy are your emotions?
How does it effect the center of your being the Navel?
(Click here for more on Navel Health)
When listening to this Audio-video, which is available on the
bottom of this page, please use good headphones to enjoy the
maximum healing benefit of the sounds. This is only a recording, when you receive a sound healing personally, it is much, much, more powerful. Listen to the sound you feel the sound working within your subtle body, then being personally do the Bija Mantras along with Shri Param which will allow you to function at your peak physical vitality thus either freeing you from illness or preventing your body from becoming sick.
Emotional fitness via Bija Mantras can help addicts and victims of abuse, apart from preventing one from being inclined to illnesses such as cancer,
chronic fatigue, depression, menstrual disorder and other emotionally related illness.
All who are reading this page can make a choice to live a life free of past emotional trauma, and start loving life again.
What is ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga Sound-healing?
ParaTan Sound Healing offers everyone easy, yet powerful emotional freedom techniques using the frequency of one’s own vocal overtone to either heal oneself or a loved one. ParaTan offers you a remarkable new potential for healing both emotional trauma and physical symptoms. It fosters a vibrant connection between mind, body and spirit, and contributes to peak physical vitality. Sound and vibration, give birth to form. Our physical body is formed by the vibration of sound, when our sound is disturbed by emotional trauma, then we stop functioning at our peak physical vitality, allowing our body to become sick. ParaTan Sound allows you to connect with you inner sacred space deep within.
ParaTan is a unique, powerful and experiential healing process, using Sound and Touch to reach deep within. It is based on many centuries old Tantric wisdom and brought back into our existence by The Grace of the Divine Mother and our Internationally renown Master Shri Param Eswaran.
The sounds of so-called ‘Bija’-mantras (short core mantras like Om) work at the deepest level, directly with your ‘cellular memory’ thus helping you clear long held emotional and physical blocks. This can either be experienced in One-to-One sessions or in a safe and loving group of people: a Healing Circle. Through reciting the mantras we create a loving space to channel the higher energies that provide healing on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
An Inner Sakthi Yoga Sadhana, deeper tradition of Tantra, its multidimensional vision of the Divine and its transformative practices of bija mantra that take us far beyond the outer models of how Tantra is usually presented today
Contact Us.
Below you will find a video when Sri Renee Jeffus speaks about her experience after attending the ParaTan Sound Intensive
For more videos on Tantrism, Goddess Mantra and Planetary Mantra visit Online School of Hindu Tantra channel Youtube
We are proud to bring to you Bija Mantras of the Goddesses.
When listening to this Audio-video, please use good headphones to enjoy the maximum healing benefit of the sounds. This is only a recording, when you receive a sound healing personally, it is much, much, more powerful.
Face Book Pages
Tantra Malaysia
Online School of Hindu Tantra Teaching with Shri Param Eswaran
ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga – Malaysia & India. Mahavidya Temple
Awakening the Divine Feminine with Sound – Online Teaching series
Tantra Teacher Training with Indian Tantric Master